The 4 Rules of Eating Well

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People ask me all the time about my diet: “which nutrition plan do you follow?”, “who does your nutrition?” “what do you eat?”. In an effort to answer questions like these, I made this handy list of four basic rules to follow for the way I eat, which I call “Intuitive eating”. Just like my fitness, the way I eat is part of my lifestyle, it is not a diet. Food is fuel for my body and makes me feel good. I love to cook and eat, and share meals with my friends and family. I believe that food is one of the great pleasures in life and should be enjoyed and appreciated!

Getting your nutrition dialed in is important, and depending on your goals, learning your target macronutrient numbers and keeping track of your food intake can be very valuable at times. But for a lifestyle of health and fitness, eating intuitively makes sense for the long run.