(This was written for the Facebook Group CF Masters. It was originally published on 11/27/17)

When Angela asked me to write a bit on Open Prep for all of you awesome fellow masters, my immediate thought was to write ”What NOT to do”.  I mean, I wouldn’t recommend my crazy methods to anyone, but then again, last year I had the best performance (15th place) since my first Open in 2012. So you could also call this a “Recipe for Success”.

My goal with preparing for the Open is to experience enough shit that sucks bad enough that whatever Dave Castro decides to come up with will be a walk in the park compared to all the other stuff you’ve been through and have going on in your life.  You want to get to the point that you are used to performing your best at maximum stress levels. To accomplish this properly, you really have to have begun many months ago. At least as early as right after the Open ends. Some may consider this the “Offseason”

( *Note: I’m going to assume that you are at a box with programming that is smart and effective, or you’re following something online, and that you’ve got a good coach in your corner. If not, then find one now!)


  • Establish a baseline level of stress.

(Costly litigation with ex-spouse over unresolved custody and child support issues is great for starters). This is also when to be chasing big strength numbers and working on your gymnastics- lifting super heavy shizz and slamming it on the ground, being inverted, and  swinging from bars and rings as much as possible. If you don’t already, this is a good time to start tracking your food intake. Upload MyFitness Pal and be one of those obnoxious people who weighs and measures everything they eat and plugs it all into their phone. If you’re weird like me, you will find that you don’t actually eat enough so you better figure out how you can get your fuel to be sufficient to support the levels of stress you are about to put yourself through.


  • Do one of those competitions with an online qualifier. This purpose of this is to get used to being glued to your screen waiting for the workout to be released, and also good for you and your coach to figure out how the F@$#! to get your wods on video and how to upload that shitake (which will come in handy for the Online qualifier, but that is topic for another post!).


  • Set the stage for increased stress & start to up your metabolic conditioning. New job with crazy hours and a 2-3 hour per day commute? Great! This is a fantastic way to make your training extremely focused. You will only have 1-2 hours at the end of your 12 hour day so you will just have to harden the F up and make the best of it.


  • Excellent time to turn up the stress level. Host the family at your house for Hanukkah AND Christmas to really kick it up a notch!

  • By this time, the Open is around the corner and you should be in pretty good shape. You’ve been practicing being grateful, your mental game is getting strong, and your training is focused.


  • This is a good time to really amp up the stress level. Work a lot of overtime. Say yes to that extra project.  Another direct report? Sure. Bonus points if you have teenagers. And extra bonus points if one of your parents is in the hospital with say, Lung Cancer...

  • VERY IMPORTANT: Get your gear ordered! You do not want to start the open with those old shredded knee sleeves, and you know how Rogue is out of stock of everything in your size when you really want it, so get everything you are going to need NOW.


  • By the time the Open starts, all the hard work you have put in is in the “bank”, and now it’s time to get your mind right and clear your calendar for the 5 weeks you have been looking forward to/dreading all year!


  • Make sure you block your calendar with a DNS (do not schedule) meeting for every Thursday at 5 pm. Once the workout is released, start to strategize and plan your outfit. By Friday morning there will be a plethora of tips videos to watch (my favorite is always from “The Outlaw Way”). Figure out with your coach when you will do the Wod. And then when you will redo the Wod. But seriously folks, if you are not within striking distance of qualifying for the Games, then DO NOT DO THE WOD AGAIN. I mean really- why would you??

  • Before you begin each Wod remember: you have prepared for this. And then ask yourself: Would I rather suffer through another 2 hour meeting with those 20-something know-it-alls? Be in that hospital waiting room while your Dad has a lobectomy?  Sit in that courtroom with your Ex? OR do 7 minutes of burpees? No problem!  18.1 will be a walk in the park.

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Leka Fineman