7 Tips to Stay On Track Over the Weekend

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Seven ways to stay healthy over the Weekend

I am by no means super strict about keeping to a schedule when it comes to eating, or staying on a meal plan. I don't follow a  particular diet and I don't  weigh and measure everything all the time. I am however very picky about what I eat- I have learned what food makes me feel the best. I also strongly believe that you should enjoy life and let loose sometimes. It is a LIFESTYLE for me, not a diet, so I don't really have ‘cheat meals’. I treat weekends just like a normal day, and parties and gatherings with friends and family are meant to be enjoyed.  Follow these tips to  help stay "on track" over the weekend.

1. Don't skip meals. 

Be proactive about eating. A mistake people make is skipping meals. It seems to be an even bigger issue over the holidays and weekends. Whether it's intentional (thinking that you will "save" calories) or if you just get busy and forget to eat, skipping meals can backfire and can lead you to eating more than you really need. Stick to your normal eating schedule and don't let yourself get too hungry. Pack your food or at least take some healthy snacks or bars with you while you are out. Going to a party? Bring something with you to share!

2. Make Time for Food Prep.

Take a little time to prepare food or buy foods that don't take much prep time. I usually do a smaller food prep on Thursday or Friday that lasts us over the weekend. Grilling extra chicken and veggies, or cooking a pot of rice.  Having things on hand like pre-washed spinach & arugula salad greens, sausages, canned tuna and eggs are very easy for quick weekend meals.

3. Sleep.

Don't underestimate the power of getting a good night's sleep. Most of us overlook this very important aspect of living a healthy lifestyle. Just like with not skipping meals, don't let your sleep suffer over the weekend. Try to get 7.5-9 hours of quality sleep. Your body will thank you!

4. Take time for yourself.

It's important to rest and relax during the weekend so that you feel refreshed. You don't need an entire day to yourself, although that would be nice, even just 10 minutes will work wonders for you mentally and physically. Activities to consider include walking, reading, taking a bath, getting a massage, meditating, journaling or just enjoying your coffee or tea in silence.

5. Keep moving.

Include at least one active activity each weekend.  Try to get it done in the morning. If you don't want to go to the gym on the weekend that's fine! Take the weekend as your rest day(s) but still try to stay active while having fun. Things like hiking, biking, playing in sports leagues, etc. are ways to have fun and also get a workout in. Even just 15 minutes of activity is better than nothing.

6. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Try not to have an “all or nothing attitude”. No one is perfect. If you want to eat a hamburger, fries, and a milkshake and you do it - move on at your next meal. One meal that isn't 100% perfect isn't going to hurt you. Don't beat yourself up. Let it go and do better next time. Part of having a better relationship with food starts with trying not to label food as good or bad. It's about choosing to eat what is most beneficial for you and makes you feel the best in the long run. This can help get out of being stuck in the cycle where you start your new diet each Monday.

7. Think when you drink.

Remember that you don't have to drink alcohol just because everyone else is. If you're at a party where drinks are being served, try a “top shelf”(La Croix or Pellegrino) water with lemon or lime instead of a ‘real drink’. If you must have alcohol, be sure to drink a glass of water for every ‘drink’ you consume, and instead of filling up on alcoholic beverages, have some food instead!

With these seven tips to help you stay on track, the weekend can be enjoyed but doesn’t have to set you back. Keep in mind all the things you do during the week to stay healthy, and make your weekend work for you!